Data Connectors

The connectors built by Google cover access to data such as Google Sheets, Google Ads, Google Analytics, and other Google Marketing Platform products.

Data not owned by Google, for example, Facebook Ads, can be accessed by external Data Connectors that work similarly to Google Connectors serving as pipeline to feed data into Google Data Studio.

Data connectors offer several benefits. Automatic feeding helps avoid manual updating the data which is also prone to many mistakes while copy-pasting the data. Furthermore, you will quickly reach the limit of the number of KPIs for the manual update, but with a Data Connector, you can use every metric and dimension of a data source.

Our preferred external Data Connector supplier is Supermetrics, however, if you or your organisations have paid subscriptions with other Data Connectors, we can easily work with those as well.

Do I need a Data Connector? Find out instantly if you require a Data Connector to feed data into Data Studio automatically here.