Bullet charts display a single metric performance and progress towards a certain goal or against a benchmark. You can optionally display a target value, and set it up to 3 ranges.

1. Bullet Chart: With Target and Ranges

Bullet Chart With Target in Google Data Studio
Bullet Chart With Target in Looker Studio (Formerly known as Data Studio)
  • A Gauge chart alternative in Looker Studio. Bullet charts don't always need to be this big - this example is only used to explain details.

  • A center blue bar shows the actual value of the metric. In this example that is 2021 YTD revenue.

  • In this example, the target is set to 1 million and the blue line represents how far the target has reached so far against the Black target line

  • Ranges are set manually, and the following range value should be greater than the last one.

Recommended: Yes

  • Bullet charts with target and Ranges: to display a single metric performance divided into three ranges and progress towards a goal or against target benchmarks.

2. Bullet Chart: Without Target (Ranges Only)

Bullet Chart Without Target in Google Data Studio
Bullet Chart Without Target in Looker Studio (Formerly known as Data Studio)
  • This is the same chart as above, only the target configuration has been removed.

  • A Gauge chart alternative in Looker Studio. Bullet charts don't always need to be this big - this example is only used to explain details.

  • A center blue bar shows the actual value of the metric. In this example that is 2021 YTD revenue.

  • In this example, we have not set a target value. It can be considered the revenue ranges up to 500k as poor, above 500k and up to 800k as an average, and above 800k as good.

Recommended: Yes

  • Bullet charts with ranges (without target): to measure a metric performance divided into 3 ranges, for example, ranges for poor, average, and good.

3. Bullet Chart: With Target Ranges and Comparison

Bullet Chart Without Target and Compared to Previous Period in Google Data Studio
Bullet Chart Without Target and Compared to Previous Period in Looker Studio (Formerly known as Data Studio)
  • A Gauge chart alternative in Looker Studio. Bullet charts don't always need to be this big - this example is only used to explain details.

  • A center blue bar shows the actual value of the metric. In this example that is 2021 YTD revenue.

  • In this example, target revenue is set as 1 million, with the blue line representing how far the target has reached so far. Light blue displays the revenue of the last year during the same period.

Recommended: Yes

  • Bullet chart with target and compared to the previous period: to measure a metric performance divided into three ranges, compared to the previous period and progress towards a certain goal or against a benchmark.